I’m New

First, we want to say Welcome and take a few moments to let you know who we are.

Faith United Church of Christ is:


  • A Welcoming Church
  • A Designated Open and Affirming Church
  • An Accessible Church
  • A Child-Friendly Church
  • A Missions-oriented Church

Opportunities to Participate

All are welcome to participate in our services and activities. We have several groups that meet regularly such as:

  • Missions Team
  • Bible Studies
  • Vocal Choir
  • Handbell Choir

In addition, all are welcome to participate in the Sunday service, such as serving as a liturgist or usher. Children have opportunities to participate in Sunday service and other church activities on an age-appropriate basis.

Visitor Card

Visitor cards are located in the pews.

We hope you will complete a card and place it on the offering plate, we’ll send you a note thanking you for adding to our worship service with your presence.

Join Us Sundays

We welcome you to join us Sunday at 10:00 am.

We will have smiles and friendly people waiting to greet you. We are located at: 6886 Salem Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45230

Frequently Asked Questions


What time does the worship service begin?

Service begins at 10 am every Sunday.

Is there parking available?

Yes. The church has a parking lot at the back of the building.

What do you have for children?

Children are very welcome at Faith Church. Each worship service has a children’s sermon, followed by Sunday School. We offer coloring pages and crayons to occupy little ones. There is nursery care available upon request.

Is the church accessible?

Yes, it is. We have an accessible entrance, accessible restrooms, and an elevator. The worship service and Fellowship Time take place on the first floor.

What should I wear?

Feel free to wear whatever is casual and comfortable. We have no dress code.

What happens after church?

We invite you to join us for coffee and fellowship after worship to get to know us. We also have a craft room and green space with play equipment for children to use at their parents’ discretion.

Do I have to give money?

Not at all. While we do collect an offering at most worship services, there is no obligation to give. Donations are always welcome, but what gives us joy is to have you worship with us.

What if I’m not sure I believe in God?

That’s perfectly ok! Everyone has questions and we welcome everyone, no matter what your beliefs or questions about God.

Do you have communion?

We generally hold communion on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to participate, including children of any age at their parents’ discretion.